Excerpt from PhocusWire

Trip.com Group is the latest partner to join the Common Trust Network, a collaborative effort of the Commons Project Foundation and the World Economic Forum.

The Common Trust Network includes public and private partners from travel, health and technology working to develop solutions that ensure only verifiable lab results and vaccination records are presented for cross-border travel and commerce.

The network is developing two registries: The data registry comprises laboratory and vaccination sources, standard forms for test results and records and tools for making that data digitally accessible. It operates on a not-for-profit basis as an open service for the common good.

The second registry is for governments and entities such as airlines, hotels and cruise ships to publish their health screening entry rules in a common format, with the goal of facilitating compliance.

“To help the world reopen safely, it requires a mission-driven global coalition to build a digital infrastructure that enables interoperability and trust,” says Jennifer Zhu Scott, executive chairman of the Commons Project Foundation.

“The Trip.com Group team has been a strong and supportive partner from day one, bringing technological know-how, industry expertise and passion for the greater good to our mission. We are very excited to welcome Trip.com Group to join the CommonTrust Network formally.”

Click here to read complete article at PhocusWire.