Technology - Energy Control
InvoTech Systems, Inc. increases profitability for clients. It is a leading provider of software management and control systems for uniforms and linens, and for laundry and security operations. Served markets include hospitality, healthcare, commercial laundry, and amusement industries worldwide. InvoTech products deliver vital ... more →
Technology - Energy Control
Alternative Utility Services
Since 1993, Alternative Utility Services, Inc. has been dedicated to unlocking the power of energy efficiency for businesses nationwide through innovative solutions that lower energy consumption, reduce energy spend, and increase profits. The ... more →
Technology - Energy Control
energexinc - energy efficient solution providers for hospitality
In room enrgy efficient solutions for the hospitality ... more →
Technology - Energy Control
SensorFlow is a full-stack company that combines the use of wireless IoT solutions and AI-driven automation to make smart buildings a reality. Starting with hotels, the SensorFlow solution enables smart building management through maximised energy efficiency, optimised operational productivity, and enhanced sustainability. ... more →