In 2013, the Middle East region continued to witness turmoil & instability, at the same time, it achieved historical milestones. While some of the countries endure chaos, others manage to capitalize on their stability, reporting unprecedented growth.
The Middle East Hotel Survey 2014 Edition strives to constitute a reference guide by offering a comprehensive analysis of the overall economic performance of the region, with particular focus on the tourism industry.
Our tourism analysis is based on data originating from 467 established hotels(excluding newly opened hotels) in the region, representing roughly 127,000 rooms; an increase of 7% over 2013 participating hotels. In addition to the Middle East selected countries, our analysis incorporates, where available, supply, pipeline and hotel performance analysis originating from Turkey and Egypt.
Moreover, the current edition includes a detailed performance analysis of year-end key operating performance indices, with a breakdown between five-star properties and midscale properties across the region. For the purpose of this analysis, the term “midscale” refers to four-star and three-star branded properties in the region.
In order to further enhance the value of the information contained herein, HVS has introduced a section dedicated to the 2013 Gross Operating Profit analysis , along with a section dedicated to current and future tourism trends.
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