National Associations led key meeting industries in top three markets
Knowland reports Los Angeles-Long Beach moved up to the lead spot in the U.S. over Chicago for July 2023. This is the first time this year that the Los Angeles market took the lead in event volume. Overall U.S. meeting and event volume for July 2023 was up 22.1 percent over July 2022. This data is sourced from Knowland’s sales intelligence platform designed to help hoteliers build and protect a hotel’s revenue base.
With an increase in event volume of 67% for this month, Los Angeles trends are consistent with the general industry showing a shift in attendee volume share to smaller events, with a 27 percent reduction in groups 101-300 attendees, while 25-50 and 76-100 attendee groups were up 16 percent and 10 percent, respectively. Florida markets Miami and Orlando were in second and third place for increases in event volume, with 62 percent and 28 percent, respectively.
- Year-over-year comparison – July 2023 event volume increased 22.1 percent over July 2022.
- Top five markets (by event volume) – Los Angeles led with Education meetings, followed by Training/Education. The following four markets, Orlando, Miami, Las Vegas, and Dallas, rounded out the top five. Below is additional insight into the top drivers for these markets.
- Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA: Education, Training/Education, National Association, Wedding, and Technology.
- Orlando, FL: National Association, State Association, Religious, Training/Education, and Entertainment/Media.
- Miami, FL: National Association, Training/Education, Wedding, Travel, and Technology.
- Las Vegas, NV: National Association, Sports Entertainment, Travel, Training/Education, and Entertainment/Media.
- Dallas, TX: Technology, National Association, Transportation, Religious, Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology.
- Top markets (by percentage growth) – The top overall U.S. markets by year-over-year growth in meetings and events were Norfolk-Virginia Beach; Memphis; Delaware; Jacksonville, FL; and Chattanooga, TN.
This data is provided to help hoteliers still building momentum gain insight into the top locations selected by today’s meeting planners. This information about the leading industry drivers provides a clear picture of those groups that are returning to the meeting and event space. Insights presented are a result of the analysis of meetings and events data acquired through Knowland data collection and aggregation methods, including field reporting and automated methods of customer and non-customer data collection in primary, secondary, and tertiary markets, as well as its large historical database.