Excerpt from PhocusWire

Generative AI has the power to supercharge maps and turn travel planning on its head, according to a report from Lufthansa Innovation Hub (LIH).

In its latest study, LIH says the integration of generative AI with map-based interfaces "not only has the capacity to augment our interactions with the app but could truly revolutionize the entire travel planning process, from inspiration to itinerary creation, and, most importantly, real-time exploration."

The report, penned by LIH managing director Christine Wang, urges the industry to change how it is using AI currently in itinerary planning, saying that use case doesn't cater to different traveler preferences and desires. It adds that real-time information is missing so far from ChatGPT or similar applications, which further limits the value of itineraries.

The "All Great Journeys Start with a Map" study also questions whether text-based chatbots and conversational search are the best way to gather information on what customers are looking for.

"Travelers may find it more convenient to select these factors through filters and checkboxes rather than engaging in a text-based conversation," says the report.

While the study highlights a number of startups, some using generative AI, working to combine travel planning and maps, it says Google Maps is the one to watch as it's already a tool that millions of travelers worldwide rely on for its immersive navigation features and the ability to serve up what's available in an area.

The report says: "In essence, Google has built the foundation for an 'everything-simulator' within its platform."

It's not the first time Google Maps has been mooted as the potential killer app for travel planning. Back in 2019, writing for PhocusWire, travel tech commentator and angel investor Mario Gavira said: "Combine this global army of local experts with Google’s unlimited capacity to track movements of all its Maps users (places visited, saved, rated, etc.) and you get the picture: a rapidly expanding database of the nearly entire human knowledge of any place on earth."

A year ago Wang herself questioned why people weren't building on top of Google Maps more during an interview at Phocuswright Europe 2022.

Talking about innovation gaps she referred to a hiking trip in Ireland and the frustration of switching between maps and other content.

"Why can't we find data layers and lay it on top and have more value propositions around that. Google Maps or maps in general could be a centralized platform where you could do up super app features," she said at the time.

The LIH report flags 10 potential AI-powered features that Google Maps could offer including:

  • A “Feeling Lucky” button could suggest a local hidden gem based on location and previous likes, adding an element of exploring.
  • Integrated event discovery would enable Google Maps to show nearby concerts, exhibitions and
    festivals based on your past event attendance and interests.
  • Accessible travel planning with Google Maps using search history on venues with accessibility features to surface routes and facilities to improve travel for those with mobility issues.

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