In a move to respond to the digital transition of the tourism industry, 20 organisations representing the travel and tourism sector at European level agreed to sign a Code of Conduct on data sharing in the tourism sector. This non-binding document clarifies the main aspects to consider in data sharing agreements and should help to build trust and foster data sharing agreements.
Tourism related data is becoming increasingly important and is an essential resource to drive competitiveness, innovation and job creation in the sector. With tourism accounting for 10 percent of the European Union’s GDP1, the development of the data economy in tourism at EU level is essential. By creating and endorsing this Code of Conduct, European stakeholders lay down appropriate conditions for harmonised and interoperable tools for tourism-related data exchange.
This document aims at building trust between tourism stakeholders and providing support in the creation of mutually beneficial data sharing agreements in the tourism industry. By setting out common principles (such as interoperability, security, liability…) definitions and guidelines for data sharing, this document contributes to the EU-wide architecture for non-personal data exchange. It is a timely tool to respond to several challenges with regards to the access, use and sharing of data in a high-quality manner. It highlights how to ensure privacy and security when sorting and processing data. At the same time, this document establishes a level playing field where the public sector, private sector and stakeholders have equal chances and opportunities to use and share data in tourism.
By providing their endorsement as a sector, tourism stakeholders demonstrate their active engagement in and alignment with the goals of the European digital strategy for tourism and the key aims of the Transition Pathway for Tourism. This Code of Conduct is a means of actively sharing tourism-related data and a strong first step towards goals of a common European Tourism Data Space, which is in preparation.
The following 20 organisations are endorsing the Code of Conduct:
Italian Association for Responsible Tourism (AITR), International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT), European Boating industry (EBI), European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), European Travel agent’s and Tour Operators Associations (ECTAA), European Historic Thermal Towns Association (EHTTA), European LGBTQ+ Travel Alliance (ELTA), European Travel Commission (ETC), eu travel tech (EU association representing online indirect distributors of travel), Europa Nostra, European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (FEG), Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés in Europe (HOTREC), The Global Association for the Attraction Industry (IAAPA), International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO), Mirabilia Network, NECSTouR, New Deal Europe, European Federation of Rural Tourism (RURALTOUR) and Startup Turismo Association.
This is not a limitative list and any European organisation active in the tourism sector can endorse the Code of Conduct.
- https://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en/sheet/126/tourism
- Code-of-Conduct-on-Data-Sharing-in-Tourism_Final.pdf