As World Travel Market’s trusted data partners, ForwardKeys collaborated on the 2022 Most Visited Destinations Report, featuring a top 100 destinations by region list whilst also examining key destinations which showed uncanny resilience and travel data mastery: Albania, Tanzania, Fiji, and the Maldives.
Here are a few highlights of the major themes of 2022.
The Rise of the Affluent travellers
Stimulating the travel industry into a speedy revival have been travellers in Premium Cabin classes: First Class and Business. Not only does the ForwardKeys air ticketing data show an increase in premium travellers compared to pre-pandemic times, but the data shows this trend is applicable worldwide. From Africa and the Middle East to Europe and the Caribbean, flight bookings are catering to a rising upmarket segment. And they are not flying solo. It’s families and couples who are on the move.
The outbound US is the market to attract
Out of the global health, a crisis emerged in a travel market with not just an appetite for travel but a currency strong enough to cover the rising costs due to inflation, oil prices and airfares – the US outbound market. The regional neighbours in Mexico and the Caribbean were the first benefactors but as their currency strengthened and travel restrictions eased, a renewed interest in cultural epicentres in Europe, and tropical playgrounds in Thailand and Fiji flourished.
China is still a vital outbound market for the travel and hospitality sectors as well as luxury brands, but until that situation stabilises, businesses and destinations ought to think about how they can better capitalise on the many travelling Americans.
Destinations thriving thanks to data and flight connectivity
In the Most Visited Destinations Report, a common thread from destination to destination, withstanding its region and target audience, was the importance of being a destination that is easily reached.
From the Maldives to Tanzania, Albania, and Fiji – all destinations increased their international arrivals by savvy use of travel data to decipher topflight routes, airline carriers and origin markets. Unlike other destinations that cut down the number of flights or changed the configuration of the airframes, these destinations widened their flight networks and connections. The result? Higher volumes of travellers, above the 2019 levels.
A lesson learned from the COVID-19 crisis by many destinations comes down to something simple – what does the data say? As Albert Einstein once said: “In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.”
For the full version and in-depth analysis per country and region, download the report here.