TikTok on a computer screen - Source ITB Berlin
  How the Tourism Industry can use TikTok to Successfully Promote Destinations and Products

ITB Berlin;

In 2020 TikTok was the most frequently downloaded mobile app. What originally began as a dancing and lip syncing app has now evolved into a serious platform for information, debate and discussion. In particular, the app plays an important role among members of the much talked-about Generation Z, the audience currently being targeted by more and more companies and organisations.

According to the recently published 2022 Reuters Digital News Report, 40 per cent of 18 to 24 year-olds use TikTok, 15 per cent of whom use the app to obtain news. Tourism also plays a big role on this platform. However, until now the most successful travel accounts have been those of individual content providers – otherwise known as influencers on Instagram.

In the latest podcast episode, guest moderator Johanna Rüdiger talks to representatives of Cologne and Bremen’s city tourism organisations. As journalist and TikToker, her private account currently has around 80,000 followers. Together with Claudia Neumann of Köln Tourismus and Linda Ruser of Bremen Tourismus talk about the opportunities and challenges that marketing via TikTok offers, and the most noteworthy activities to date.

Click here for the full podcast episode.