Starting today, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) invites hospitality custodial and housekeeping service workers to participate in the 'COVID-19 Maker Challenge.' Submit your challenge to Challenge America by May 22.


Starting today, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) invites hospitality custodial and housekeeping service workers to participate in the 'COVID-19 Maker Challenge.' Submit your challenge to Challenge America by May 22.

What is the COVID-19 Maker Challenge? VHA Innovation Ecosystem and veteran nonprofit Challenge America have partnered with federal agencies, private industry, leading research universities and nonprofits to develop innovative solutions to the challenges encountered by Environmental Management — or custodial/janitorial — Services (EMS) personnel on the frontlines of COVID-19. 

They are seeking challenges confronting the EMS community due to the pandemic. Teams of engineers and designers will develop solutions to these challenges to meet needs on the ground.

Who? Environmental Management Services personnel, like medical and regular waste removal, matting, linen and uniform services, sanitation, etc.

When? Submit your challenges to Challenge America by May 22.

Where? To submit a challenge, contact Maggie Tolan at or go to

What happens next? The program will culminate in a two-day Make-a-Thon (June 6-7), when teams fabricate prototypes of their design solutions, all of which will be available on an open source platform following the event, making these designs accessible to makers and manufacturers around the world. The program organizers will also work with maker networks across the country to rapidly scale production of the most promising designs.

To learn more about this program, please visit the program website at