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Topic - Buzzwords


Corporate Buzzwords: Good, Bad, or Scaring off New Hires?

Corporate buzzwords, also known as jargon, are an everyday part of the office world. And people use them for many different reasons. These phrases sound trendy, create a sense of belonging, provide an easy way to shift gears in a meeting, or even allow us to make light of a challenging situation. But sometimes corporate buzzwords can also have a negative impact. According to a recent study by preply, some of these words are creating a rift in the workplace.

Hotel Digital Marketing

Hospitality Digital Technology: Challenges, Priorities and Buzzwords - By Max Starkov

Today’s typical online travel consumer is exposed to more than 38,983 micro-moments in a 60-day timeframe and visits an average of 18 websites via multiple devices across eight sessions before making a hotel booking (Google Research). With the explosion of the 'digital way of life', the customer journey has become increasingly complex, forcing hoteliers to overhaul not only their corporate and marketing strategies, but also their technology stack in order to engage, acquire, service and retain these digitally-enabled travel consumers across multiple digital touch points and across all digital channels and devices.