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Topic - U.S. Hotel Industry Outlook

U.S. Hotel Industry Outlook

HSMAI Perspective: Anticipating 2023 - By Robert A. Gilbert

For many in the hospitality industry, 2022 has been a year of recovery that has exceeded all expectations. Leisure travel has continued to exceed expectations, group travel has started to rebound in more markets, and many are continuing to experience record level ADR growth. Unfortunately, not everything is rosy, and effects of the pandemic are still being felt in labor shortages, especially at the unit level of hotels.

U.S. Hotel Industry Outlook

Continued Performance Increases Through 2016 Projected for U.S. Hotel Industry

For the remainder of 2015, the U.S. hotel industry is predicted to report a 1.4-percent increase in occupancy to 65.3 percent, a 5.2-percent rise in average daily rate to US$120.93 and a 6.6-percent increase in revenue per available room to US$78.99. During that same period, demand growth (+2.6 percent) is expected to outweigh supply growth (+1.3 percent).