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Topic - Green Lodging News

Anti-Viral Mattress

Two Large Mattress Makers Incorporate Anti-viral, Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial Properties - By Glenn Hasek

As concern about COVID-19 has skyrocketed, so too has interest in wellness and one of the places that interest has been focused is the guestroom - specifically the mattress. Any company today must be careful about its anti-viral/anti-bacterial/anti-microbial claims but at least two mattress companies are offering options that include at least one or more of the above 'anti' properties.

Net-Zero Energy Hotel

Architect Building Net-Zero Energy Hotel in Connecticut - Hotel Marcel - By Glenn Hasek

When the Hotel Marcel opens next summer in New Haven, Conn., it will be a shining example of sustainability and what every hotel could and should be. The 165-room boutique hotel will be the result of the renovated Armstrong Rubber Company Building, aka Pirelli Building, originally designed by Marcel Breuer in 1967. It will be run by 100 percent solar power, meet net-zero energy standards, and will target LEED Platinum certification.

Green Cleaning Technologies

Selection of Virus-Zapping Machines Utilizing UVC Light Keeps Growing - By Glenn Hasek

Earlier this year the Westin Houston Medical Center announced it was using LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robots to sanitize and disinfect its guestrooms and common areas to help combat the threat of coronavirus. The robots use intense germicidal UV light to disinfect rooms by quickly destroying microscopic bacteria and viruses that may be missed during the manual cleaning process. Operated by hotel staff, the robot uses pulsed xenon (a noble gas) to create intense broad-spectrum UV light.

Sound Masking Technology

New Guestroom Sound Masking Technology Aims to Improve Sleep Experience - By Glenn Hasek

Two companies have recently introduced portable sound masking systems to the lodging industry - Nightingale Smart Solutions Inc. and K.R. Moeller Associates Ltd. The aim of each company is to help hotel guests fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. While doing that, hotels can benefit from fewer noise complaints, reduce reimbursement charges and beef up wellness programs.