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Hotel Data Security

Hotel Data Security Update: Time is Short – Reporting Your Data Breach - By Jim Butler

This month, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced new rules requiring companies who experience a cybersecurity attack to publicly disclose the impact of the attack within four days. Hotel companies whose securities are registered with the SEC should take note of these regulations and develop a robust incident response plan. Bob Braun outlines the new regulations.

Data Privacy

Data Privacy Alert: Who is Responsible for Personal Data at a Hotel? - By Jim Butler

Data privacy and security continue to be significant issues for hotel owners, operators, brands, and managers, representing the potential for both financial and reputational impacts. One important piece of the puzzle is which of the many entities involved in a hotel property is responsible for collecting, sharing, using and storing the personal data of guests and employees.

Hotel Development Los Angeles

New Transfer Tax on All Real Property Sales Over $5 Million in the City of Los Angeles - By Jim Butler

Last month Los Angeles voters approved Measure ULA, imposing a new tax on all real property sales or transfers over $5 million. This will affect all parties involved in a real property transaction, and it is important to understand the implications of the measure before negotiating on a new project. My colleague David Tabibian, partner in JMBM’s Real Estate Department and Global Hospitality Group, explains the initiative and its potential impact below.

Hotel Data Security

Hotel Data Security Update: Hotels, Hotel Owners and Employee Personal Information - By Jim Butler

In addition to protecting the personal information of guests in compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and California’s Consumer Privacy Act, hotel operators and owners need to extend the same protections and rights to their employees and the information collected from them. Bob Braun outlines hotel employer obligations in this article, along with suggested next steps.