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EHL Hospitality Business School News

Hospitality Technology

Hospitality Technology: Is It the Answer to Everything?

In May 2023, three BOSC 6 students enrolled in EHL Hospitality Business School, namely Matei Testa, Timo Kaiser, and Sophia Schütte, were given the opportunity to attend the Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference (HITEC) in Dubai as part of EHL's Educational Travel Program. In the following blog post, they reflect on their journey and share valuable insights about the event.


Corporate Buzzwords: Good, Bad, or Scaring off New Hires?

Corporate buzzwords, also known as jargon, are an everyday part of the office world. And people use them for many different reasons. These phrases sound trendy, create a sense of belonging, provide an easy way to shift gears in a meeting, or even allow us to make light of a challenging situation. But sometimes corporate buzzwords can also have a negative impact. According to a recent study by preply, some of these words are creating a rift in the workplace.

Digital Transformation

How Digital Transformation is Facilitating Servitization in the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is currently undergoing a digital transformation that is raising the bar for customer service. Modern guests are looking for a hotel experience that puts their needs first, starting with the selection of the destination. They crave novel experiences, expedient customer service, and the ultimate level of comfort, among other things. These expectations are ever-evolving, so hotel operators need to find ways to keep up.

Leadership Skills

Develop Your Supportive Leadership Skills for a Healthier Workplace

Have you heard of the recent trends such as the 'Great Resignation', 'Quiet Quitting' and 'Career Cushioning' that are transforming the job market? While most leaders are aware of these trends, many seem helpless to counter the problems that are causing employees to leave, underperform, and generally dislike their jobs.

Remote Working

5 Questions Managers of Remote Teams Should Ask Themselves

We know that managing a team remotely is fraught with both technical and interpersonal complications. These days, companies and universities around the world have become accustomed to remote working, kicked off by the COVID-19 pandemic, but how many can say that they are actually successful at it?

Gen Z At Work

How Gen Z Work Ethic and Attitudes Are Impacting the Workplace

One of the major challenges that is currently giving leaders in our hospitality industry a hard time is coping with the pressure coming from Gen Z work ethic and attitudes. Today's generation expect more engaging and meaningful jobs and are far less likely to adhere to the traditional, purely vertical, 'chain-of-command' style of leadership that still characterizes many hospitality-related organizations (HROs). These challenges are now pushing leaders to rethink the siloed work model still too prevalent in our industry and reshape it into a more cross-functional, collaborative and human-centric way of working.

Soft Skills

Recruitment - Top 5 Most In-demand Soft Skills of 2023

75% of employers said they are struggling to find candidates with the right combination of technical and soft skills in this climate of global talent shortage and economic downturn. One tactic employers have been relying on to overcome this challenge is finding candidates with the right personality fit - i.e., the right soft skills - and teaching them the hard skills they need to carry out the job effectively