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McKinsey & Company News

Travel Startups

Travel Startups: Disruption from Within–or Not? - By Giuseppe Genovese

Startups play an essential role in spearheading innovation that benefits consumers, businesses, and industries. But travel startups have been underfunded when compared to startups in other sectors. Looking back over the past 15 years, the travel and tourism industry received around 1 percent of funding for startups across all industries. This relatively low level of investment stands out in contrast to the industry’s size: Travel and tourism contributed to over 10 percent of global GDP in 2019. These factors suggest that it’s a tough industry in which to raise money.

Market Report China

What to Expect from China's Travel Rebound - By Steve Saxon

Back in 2019, mainland China was the world’s largest outbound travel market with over 150 million outbound travelers. Since then, strong COVID-19 safety measures, including quarantine on arrival, have all but eliminated China’s inbound and outbound travel.


A CEO's Guide for the Metaverse - McKinsey

It’s too big to ignore - yet its future is far from certain. Companies need to dip a toe in the water and plan to take the plunge should developments warrant.