Donations for the silent auction fundraiser are currently being accepted HFTP will donate one hundred percent of the proceeds to the charity
As part of its ongoing social responsibility efforts, international association Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) will host its third HFTP Helps silent auction fundraiser at its upcoming HFTP Annual Convention in ChampionsGate, Florida USA. Created to support the local communities that host HFTP's Annual Convention each October, the HFTP Helps 2017 fundraiser will benefit Camp Boggy Creek, a free, safe and medically-sound 232-acre camp that enriches the lives of children ages seven to 16 who have been diagnosed with serious illnesses and their families. The camp is located in the Orlando area, and has been a long-time recipient of fundraising campaigns held by the HFTP Mid-Florida Chapter.
HFTP Helps 2017 will take place in conjunction with HFTP's Annual Tribute to Success on Friday, October 27 from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. at HFTP Annual Convention. To help make the auction a fun and successful event, HFTP is seeking donations of auction items to place on offer. Suggested items include, but are not limited to: hotel stays, golf rounds, gift baskets and cards, jewelry and more. HFTP will donate 100 percent of the silent auction proceeds and monetary donations directly to the charity.
"HFTP is proud to join the HFTP Mid-Florida Chapter in supporting local Orlando charity, Camp Boggy Creek," said HFTP CEO Frank Wolfe. "Last year's HFTP Helps fundraiser raised over $14,400 USD for Three Square, Southern Nevada's only food bank. This year, HFTP is aiming to set a new record to help provide opportunities for children with serious illnesses with a safe and fun-filled camp experience."
HFTP has created an online donation site, so everyone can have the opportunity to join HFTP in assisting Camp Boggy Creek. Each monetary donation and/or silent auction gift further assists the camp's efforts of creating a safe environment for children with illness to discover joy, confidence and a new world of possibilities.
During the HFTP Helps 2017 silent auction, Annual Convention attendees will have the option to bid on numerous items such as hotel stays, rounds of golf and bottles of wine from donors around the world. For those who are unable to attend Annual Convention this year, and wish to simply donate funds, an online portal has been set-up for convenience.
If you are interested in donating an auction item, contact HFTP Director of Communications Eliza Selig at eliza.selig@hftp.org or complete the online donation form. For more information, visit the HFTP Helps website.
Annual Convention 2017 will take place from October 25–27, 2017 at Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate in ChampionsGate, Florida USA.