Joint solution helping hotel operators to prevent fraud and mitigate loses; Visit Maestro PMS in Booth 1225 and b4 at Booth 1232 at HITEC Toronto June 26 to 29

Maestro PMS is making hotel payments easier than ever, thanks to the recent integration with b4’s online payment platform, TransForm. TransForm helps hotels fight fraud and win more chargebacks by ensuring raw credit card data stays hidden from everyone except the cardholder. By passing encrypted credit card data directly into the correct Maestro PMS ledger, hoteliers and their customers benefit from a process that is both more efficient and more secure.

“Hoteliers should always be looking for new ways to prevent fraud and mitigate losses,” said Steve Miles, COO at b4. “Paper-based credit-card forms are prone to human error and not PCI compliant. The TransForm and Maestro integration eliminates manual data entry, immediately lowering the risk of chargeback disputes. It also streamlines check-in and helps prevent front desk staff from unknowingly accepting fraudulent payments.”

As the need to take card-not-present payments and authorizations continues to grow, various methods of credit card submission evolved. Some cards were collected over the phone and manually keyed in or written on paper. Some required forms to be faxed or emailed with card details in full sight. None of these collection methods are PCI compliant, as they put credit card details in plain view. This leaves the hotel at a higher risk for fraud and in a weaker position during chargeback disputes.

“Guests expect secure and convenient technology when planning a trip,” said Warren Dehan, President of Maestro. “If you don’t enable customers to pay online with confidence that their credit card information is fully protected, they may decide to stay elsewhere. We partnered withb4 to reduce the risk associated with payment processing. When hotels implement best practices and PCI-compliant methods such as TransForm provides, there is a positive impact on the bottom line.”

Additional benefits of this integration include:

● Time saved for hotel staff responsible for billing reconciliation

● Reduced errors through the elimination of re-keying card details from paper forms and emails

● Having a card securely on file enables hotel staff to post additional charges or incidentals

● More transactions attributed to an account give the hotel team more guest data for service personalization and enable more targeted packaging and promotional decisions

“Since adopting TransForm from b4, our hotel’s payment processing has gone from labor-intensive to hands-off, set-it-and-forget-it,” said Nattika Wattanasuttiwong, Director of Operations at the Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club in Madison, Wis. “This technology has been invaluable for maintaining success despite rising operations and labor costs, something Maestro readily acknowledges through its new integrations. In fact, we discovered TransForm during Maestro’s 2022 User Conference and signed with b4 shortly after. This adaptability to new technology, combined with Maestro’s excellent support team, has helped us improve operations where it matters most.”

“Maestro’s integration to TransForm represents a sizeable shift for online payments by minimizing costs associated with chargebacks and lowering credit card processing fees,” says Dehan. “Through the use of recommended best practices and our joint technology, we will greatly reduce the problems surrounding chargebacks for our hoteliers.”

For a hands-on look at the Maestro PMS / b4 integration, visit b4 in Booth 1232 or Maestro PMS in Booth 1225 at HITEC Toronto, June 27 to 29 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center – South Building.

About Maestro

Maestro is the preferred Web Browser based cloud and on-premises PMS solution for independent hotels, luxury resorts, conference centers, vacation rentals, and multi-property groups. Maestro’s PCI certified and EMV ready enterprise system offers a Web browser version (or Windows) complete with 20+ integrated modules on a single database, including mobile and contactless apps to support a digitalized guest journey as well as staff operations. Maestro’s sophisticated solutions empower operators to increase profitability, drive direct bookings, centralize operations, and engage guests with a personalized experience from booking to check out and everything in between. For over 40 years Maestro’s Diamond Plus Service has provided unparalleled 24/7 North American based support and education services to keep hospitality groups productive and competitive. Click here for more information on Maestro. Click here to get your free PMS Buying guide.

About b4

b4 develops cloud-based tools for the hospitality industry including great online guest payment experiences. TransForm lets you take secure online payments and real-time authorizations while eliminating manual credit card authorization forms and re-keying of data. Real-time payments are posted to Maestro PMS, helping you optimize PCI compliance and improve labor efficiency while mitigating chargebacks.