Because in the end, you wont remember the time you spent in the office or mowing your lawn, said author and adventurer Jack Kerouac, Climb that damn mountain.
Turns out thats exactly what employees want to do. Incentive trips and events have boomed in popularity with no sign of abating soon. According to Pew research 56% of American workers say that company-sponsored trips and events are important to them. In APAC CWT Meetings & Events report 90% of current bookings are for live events, many of them incentives.
One reason theyre so popular is that they offer a break from routine, something were all too familiar with coming out of a global pandemic.
Attendees crave the novelty, in-person bonding and brain-boosting benefits of out-of-office experiences. Rewarding sales goals and other performance metrics with the experience of a lifetime helps to boost morale, teamwork and collaboration and engender a greater sense of loyalty. 48% of workers surveyed by Pew say these events make them feel valued by their employer.
Hear from Beau Ballin, Global Head, Market Development, CWT Meetings & Events about the future of incentives:
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