'The hotel industry applauds Mayor Walsh and the Boston City Council for their decisive leadership to safeguard Boston residents and communities from the negative impact of short-term rentals'


The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) president and CEO Katherine Lugar today issued the following statement in response to the short-term rental ordinance approved by Boston City Council, which eliminates investor unit listings and institutes a strong set of regulations to ensure data transparency and accountability from short-term rental platforms, while still allowing for true home-sharing.

“The hotel industry applauds Mayor Walsh and the Boston City Council for their decisive leadership to safeguard Boston residents and communities from the negative impact of short-term rentals,” said Katherine Lugar, AHLA president and CEO. “These common-sense rules protect true home-sharers while reining in commercial operators who are tearing apart the fabric of Boston communities, reducing affordable housing options and diminishing the quality of life in residential neighborhoods.”

“Boston has shown the way for how the home-sharing industry ought to operate. This ordinance will dramatically improve consumer safety, address affordable housing concerns and maintain the character of neighborhoods for Boston residents. We urge the state legislature to take the next step to ensure a more level playing field throughout Massachusetts between new and traditional lodging businesses,” said Lugar.