Monarch Brands has launched a new offering to its hospitalitylinen collection - white microfiber sheets by Host & Home. Thesewholesale microfiber sheets have plenty of time and money-savingbenefits for hotels, institutions, and rental properties with highturnover. Buyers of hospitality linens and bulk vacation rental supplieswill appreciate the built-in value of our new Host & Home bulk microfiber sheets. Read on to learn why microfiber sheets are the right choice for your customers.
1. Microfiber sheets feel soft and silky.
There are so many types of microfiber that you may not initiallythink of it as soft and silky, but there are almost as many techniquesfor weaving microfiber as there are products. Microfiber sheets are madefrom thousands of extra fine synthetic threads, which make alightweight and very soft-to-the-touch fabric that is perfect forsheets. If you have ever slept on woolen sheets during a hot summernight, you know that comfort is imperative to getting healthy sleep. Incontrast to cotton sheets, microfiber sheets are lightweight, soft, andremarkably silky on the skin. Our wholesale microfiber sheets havemoisture-wicking properties, and while lightweight, their tight weaveand fabric content make them warmer than cotton sheeting — perfect forguests during the cooler fall and winter months.
2. Microfiber won’t trigger allergies.
Staying up all night with allergies can be an exhausting experience.Unfortunately, there are quite a few allergens that can cause sneezing,sniffling, and sinus pressure. Floating particles of dust, mold spores,pet dander, and pollen are airborne irritants that can attach tofabrics.
Synthetic microfiber bedding repels allergens, which prefer naturalfabrics to cling to. In addition, microfiber is so tightly woven that itprevents allergens that land on it from passing through and sinking in.Microfiber bedding is an excellent option for allergy sufferers.
3. Microfiber sheets are super easy to clean.
Microfiber sheets are made from a very fine polyesteryarn, which repels grime and dirt, unlike cotton and silk sheets. Ratherthan scrubbing spots or rewashing dingy sheets, running them through anormal machine-wash cycle will refresh microfiber sheets easily. Unlikewool or flannel sheets, microfiber doesn’t retain moisture, so it driesfast. With proper care, your investment in bulk microfiber sheets willpay off. They will stay brilliantly white and fresh for a long time.
4. Microfiber sheets repel stains.
Laundry is a relatively simple process when there are notime-consuming, labor-intensive stains to tend to. Microfiber sheets arestain-resistant, so a normal wash cycle won’t take longer, even if somesheets look stained. As you’ll soon discover, the majority ofmicrofiber’s inherent advantages stem from its construction. Because itis a synthetic material that is woven using yarn-winding machines, itfeatures a tighter weave than standard cotton or linen. Syntheticmicrofiber, combined with this taut structure, naturally resistsstaining. When moisture droplets, like perspiration, come into contactwith microfiber, they initially bead against the material’s surface.When wiped away quickly, virtually zero moisture enters or passesthrough.
5. Microfiber sheets are wrinkle-resistant.
Host & Home microfiber sheets make a proper neat presentation on a freshly made bed which isimperative for hotels, Airbnbs, and rental properties. As the sayinggoes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Sincemicrofiber sheets are made from synthetic materials, they are much lessprone to wrinkling in comparison to natural materials, like linen, silk,or cotton. Microfiber is lightweight and dries quickly. Warm, drysheets just need a quick, firm shake after drying to release any minorwrinkles before folding. (Of course, all bets are off in the morningafter a great night’s sleep, when wrinkles don’t really matter!)
6. Microfiber sheets are durable.
Hospitality and institutional sheets are required to survive throughall kinds of challenging scenarios — more wash cycles and all types ofsleepers, including children and sometimes pets. They must be strong anddurable. Our new microfiber sheets will last years and look new thanksto an extra tight weave and strong synthetic yarn that increases thefabric’s longevity. A long life span is built into Host & Homemicrofiber sheets, for virtually no wear and tear. For high-turnoverhospitality environments, these sheets are a must-have.
6. Host & Home sheets are color-coded.
Anyone who has been tasked with folding and organizing multiple sizesof all-white sheets and pillowcases knows that color-coded hem threadsare a huge timesaver, not to mention a lifesaver for their sanity! Ourmicrofiber bed linens have a designated color thread sewn into the hemof each size. This feature makes it so much faster and easier forlaundry personnel to match the same-sized sheets and organize them forthe housekeeping crew. A well-organized linen storage system saves time(and labor dollars) and makes gathering sheet sets much lesscomplicated.
7. Wholesale microfiber sheets are inexpensive.
Wholesale linens, bulk vacation rental supplies buyers, and retailconsumers greatly appreciate the low price point of bulk microfibersheets. Microfiber is made using a simplified, lower-cost manufacturingprocess that is faster and more economical than processes used for othersheet fabrics like cotton.
Outfitting a large institution or vacation rental property (any size)with bedding linens shouldn’t break the bank. Valuable attributes likedurability, easy-care washing, hypo-allergenic properties, and low pricepoints are built into our Host & Home microfiber sheets. Whencustomers need an economical solution for bulk bed linens, Host &Home has a value proposition that simply can’t be beaten.
When your hospitality customers need an economical bedding solution for high-turnover situations, educate them on the time and cost savings benefits of microfiber sheets. Reduce labor time and energy for laundry staff with quick-drying and wrinkle-free sheets. Man-made fibers reduce manufacturing costs and, thus, purchase prices. Stronger synthetic fibers resist stains and are more durable, increasing the lifespan of the fabric and reducing replacement costs.